Our flock is made up entirely of Easter Egger crosses with the blue egg gene (producing either blue green or olive eggs). Our chooks are crosses of several breeds including ISA Brown, Sussex, Leghorn, Marans, Araucana and Barnevelder.
In terms of breeding our flock is a work in progress. Characteristics we breed for include excellent egg production, larger egg size, solid build, hardiness and vigor, egg color, barring and lacing feathering and a friendly inquisitive and cheeky nature. Ideally producing beautiful birds that lay beautiful eggs 😉
Easter Egger genetics are complex, and worth doing a little research online if you’re interested. The shade of egg color (blue green or olive) that a blue egg gene cross (Easter Egger) produces can vary according to several factors and is not always predictable. To get Easter Egger chooks that lay blue green or olive eggs you MUST have cross bred chooks and therefore there is a degree of genetic variation and unpredictability. You can get chooks that produce ONLY blue eggs by getting pure bred Araucanas/Ameraucanas or Cream Legbars but you will not get the shades and variation of color that you get with cross bred Easter Eggers 😊
Those online selling supposedly PURE bred Aracauna fertile eggs that are green or olive are just being misleading. PURE bred Araucana should lay blue eggs and should have two copies of the blue egg gene. Green or olive eggs indicates poor "pure bred" breeding and potential cross breeding. Therefore an Easter Egger and not a PURE bred Araucana possibly with only one copy of the blue egg gene.
Be aware crossing an "Aracauna" or Easter Egger with ONLY ONE copy of the blue egg gene with another bird with NO copy or ONLY ONE copy of the blue egg gene will result in some offspring NOT carrying the blue egg gene AT ALL. Some backyard breeders will make this cross and sell ALL offspring or eggs as "Aracauna" or "Easter Egger" when they are NOT, either misleading buyers intentionally or in ignorance. If your after PURE Aracaunas or CONFIRMED Easter Eggers make sure you deal with a breeder with a good understanding of the "breed" and their flock genetics! 😊
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