The Araucana chicken is a unique breed of chicken that lays blue eggs. This flock consists of a lavender rooster over a multi-coloured assortment of hens including black, blue, white, lavender and wheaten. They include the prize winning hens from the 2022 and 2023 ADPC annual show and this year won the ribbon for best plate of eggs. Some of the hens have been infused with leghorn/isa brown genes for better egg production but the rooster is pure bred so all chicks will be pure Araucana type and showable. Can include some leghorn eggs fertilized by the same rooster if you like for even better blue/green egg production or you can stick with the blue eggs for pure-breds.
Deb Harris
23/10/2023 at 12:47 amBeautiful Araucara chicks. Lavender, black, yellow. First attempt at incubating and very happy. Thanks