In total we travelled approximately 12,000 k’s around QLD. We went through the tablelands and headed towards family in Yeppoon, Maryborough and Poona. Then we headed inland. At Mount Hay, Bubble had her first escape attempt by jumping on top of the roll out run. I remember sitting there having a drink, then thinking ‘where has Bubs gone?’. As I looked harder, I could see her little head pocking out from under the umbrella resting on the top of the run. I was in stitches and grabbed my phone for a quick video clip, before giving her a cuddle and putting her back. She’s so clever and cheeky. When we were at Birdsville, we decided to have a go at making it to the top of Big Red. It’s a high sand dune in the Simpson Desert.
Naturally, the girls came with us, as we would never leave them on their own. Once at the top, we naturally pulled their home out of the back of the cruiser, yet the girls refused to come out. They hate sand on their little feathery feet, so we put them back into the cruiser and ensured their fan was still on them. That fan was the best thing we installed for their comfort, especially when the days were reaching 48 degrees. We would put Ice cubes in their water throughout the day, during this heat. A lot of outback QLD doesn’t have any grass, which became a concern for us. We tried to buy a roll of turf from somewhere, yet no-one had any. We also tried to find a pet store that sold meal worms or grass hoppers, but no… We just got funny looks wherever we asked. We ended up stopping (safely) at roadsides where we saw grass, grabbed a pair of scissors and cut as much as we could find. Ha haa.
The crazy things you do for your babies. This happened on a few occasions. We would buy salad and veggies for ourselves, yet ended up buying extra for the girls too. They loved tinned tuna and sweetcorn, along with cucumber, lettuce and tomato. They’re not fans of cabbage or capsicum, so they’re fussy eaters like their Human Dad. From Birdsville, we headed north towards Karumba and eventually got up to the Tip in Cape York. Karumba had these Huge Locusts or giant grasshoppers everywhere. The girls would freak out at the size of them, so we helped them out by ensuring it was an easier feed for them… Well Daddy did. I can’t bring myself to do it. Bleugh.
Whilst at Cape York, we naturally HAD to go to the most Northern Point of the Continent and get our photo taken. However, it was a very hot day and there was no way we were going to carry the girls up there. So instead, they made it to the most Northern Beach on the continent in style… Whilst taking shade under a Palm Tree drinking Ice water, with fresh food and veggies, their own personal fan and cooling humidifier, whilst looking over a picturesque sandy beach, lined with a turquoise blue ocean. Heaven. I recon most humans would dream of being there right now. Ha haa. On the rare occasions we had any wifi (we’re on Optus and most places outback are Telstra), I would update Bubs’n’Soapy on Facebook and Instagram. We had people trying to follow where we were, as they wanted to meet the girls. This was amazing to hear.
We also made a lot of friends along the way and people taking pictures of the girls and their set up. Some people would bring their veggie scraps over for the girls too. A couple of the camp grounds we stayed at, had even heard about the girls and their travels, as when we would check in and mention we had 2 chickens, their responses were along the lines of… ‘Oh you’re the ones travelling with chickens. We’ve heard about you’ Or “I’ve just seen your post on the Cape York page” etc, etc. It’s certainly helped to make our travelling chapter much more memorable. We’ve had different comments along the way, with the most popular question being ‘Do they lay eggs?’ Comments like “Chicken for dinner tonight then”…. Ermmmm Nope! Never. I would NEVER do that to my babies. After driving along the corrugated roads and the girls have laid an egg… ‘scrambled eggs for you then’ Ha haaa. Ermmmmm Nope. The yoke is protected in the shell, so ner ner. The nastiest comment Glenn overheard, was a man saying ‘who would take chooks on holiday with them? Ha ha haaa’ knowing full well Glenn could hear him. Well Mr Ignorant Man, we weren’t on holiday! That WAS our home! That IS where we were living on that particular day. Don’t ever judge someone and be nasty. That’s just a reflection of who you are Mr! Leave my babies and our lives alone.